Design Note #61
Low power Intel Atom Z540 Processors are breaking new ground. Power conscious, embedded computing designs can now benefit from the enormous compatibility of Intel IA32 CPU architecture. OTEC has integrated Atom Z540 Processors into industrial controller applications, vision system applications, communications processors, and handheld devices. Our clients benefit by using industry standard software in their custom applications. Atom Z540 Processors bring truly advanced computing to the embedded product world.
Critical to the success of any custom Atom Z540 Processor board design is the Embedded Controller. OTEC has developed and ported numerous Embedded Controller designs. These designs, based on Renesas 2117 and Renesas 2472 H8S processors offer ACPI, PS2 Keyboard, and Power Sequencing services.
Intel Atom Z540 Processors require BIOS software customization and porting. OTEC can customize a BIOS for your embedded application’s specific needs. Working with our BIOS partners, we will port and write firmware for your specific needs.
The development of custom electronic products for our OEM clients is OTEC’s entire business. The design of high speed computer platforms with rapid design cycles, demanding technical requirements, and unforgiving schedules sets us apart. Contact OTEC today!