Compact Linux Networked Security Node

Design Note #137

Compact Linux Networked Security Node

This Linux networked security node fits within the space of a standard North American junction box. Positioned at points of entry, this networked security node supports energizing of multiple lock sets, solenoids, and access panels. Local processing, logging and transmission of security information is performed by this highly compact network node.

Power Over Ethernet

Power Over Ethernet provides over 25 Watts to energize the various peripherals that can be connected to this networked security node. Multiple user interfaces all derive their operating power from our power over ethernet node. Use of both high reliability components and the employment of clever cooling techniques keeps this networked security node operational in the most challenging environments.

Two Board Set - AM3352 Processor Board

Implemented as a two board set, Linux security processing takes place on the AM3352 based computing board. System memory, power sequencing, wireless networking including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are implemented on this hardware assembly.

Two Board Set – Isolated User IO Board

Implemented as a two board set, input / output processing takes place on the isolated user IO board. This board provide high current, source-monitored switched voltages to external security devices. Quick disconnect connectors provide installer- friendly deployment. ESD and EMI treatment complete the regulatory and design- for-robust environmental requirements.

Orchid Technologies: Compact Linux Security

The development of custom electronic products for our OEM clients is OTEC’s entire business. The design of compact Linux security nodes with rapid design cycles, demanding technical requirements, and unforgiving schedules sets us apart.
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"Compressing all that electronics and its heat into an electrical junction box required clever component selection. Only OTEC demonstrated its ability to efficiently perform this design task."

- Product Marketing

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