Design Note #36
MKS Instruments Corporation hired OTEC to assist in the design of their newest precision pressure sensing instrumentation product. Beginning with demanding packaging requirements, the challenge continued with requirements dictating a dual processor architecture, isolated power supply system, 24 bit analog/digital data conversion, and Network Communications Ethernet, CAN Bus, and RS232. Twenty five pounds of performance stuffed into a five pound container!
OTEC, working incrementally with our client, achieved a two board set, a breakthrough in packaging and performance. An outstanding, miniature power supply design was the start. Then circuit board isolation barriers, precision analog circuitry and finally Motorola’s Cold Fire and Analog Devices’ MicroConverter made this miniature multiprocessor solution a success.
Careful circuit board layout techniques makes this miniature sensing instrument possible. OTEC made the extra effort to avoid blind or buried vias in this compact miniature design. Working as our client’s advocate, OTEC achieved significant circuit board production fabrication savings.
The development of custom Electronics Technology solutions for our OEM clients is OTEC’s entire business. Industrial Controller Design with rapid design cycles, demanding technical requirements, and unforgiving schedules sets us apart. Contact OTEC today, we’ll design precision miniature electronics instrumentation for you too!